Monday, March 28, 2011

Fresh Octopus Salad

Warning: If you have a weak stomach when it comes to unusual foods, you may want to skip this entry. My mother has been making this salad for as long as I can remember, and it's always been a family favorite. It's just so light and refreshing. For those of you who don't have much experience with octopus- it isn't fishy in flavor at all, so fear not! Last night, my Mother and I teamed up in the kitchen to make this delicious salad!

What you'll need:

2 whole large octopi (can be found at most large farmer's markets)
1/2 bunch Italian flat leaf parsley
10 sticks celery
1/2 onion
juice of 2 lemons
olive oil
salt & pepper, to taste

What to do:

1. Confront your fears. Octopus is friend, not foe! 

2. Boil the octopi for about 45 minutes in a large covered pot 3/4 filled with water. If the octopi are extremely large, boil each in a separate pot. The octopus is done when it looks like this:

While the Octopi are cooking:

3. Dice the onion and celery, and combine in a large mixing bowl.

4. Roughly chop the 1/2 bunch of flat leaf parsley, and add it to the diced onions and celery. Set aside until the octopi are done cooking.

Once your octopi are done:

5. It's time to clean and break down your octopi! Drain the pot, and pull out each octopus individually. Using a clean pair of kitchen scissors, cut off each tentacle. Then, trim the purple skin if you wish. My mother and I do this because the texture of the skin can be quite jelly-like. Working your way down with the scissors, cut each tentacle into bite-size pieces. You may also use the heads if you wish, but we typically discard them. Place the pieces in the bowl with the chopped vegetables and herbs.

6. Dress with the juice of both lemons and olive oil. The amount of both may vary depending on the size of your octopi, just use your best judgment and taste.

7. Combine well. Add salt and pepper to taste (once again, this is a personal preference).

8. Serve chilled and enjoy!


  1. Love both of you but ... hummm ... might just pass on this one :) !!

  2. both are amazing!!! I'll have to pass this along to my son Eric, he would probably love it!!!!

  3. Haha Aunt Karen! I had a feeling you'd do that :)

    Thank you Eileen!!! You definitely should pass this recipe along, you can't go wrong with it :)

  4. hahaha wowwww I just freaked out seeing those pictures. LOL! I'm glad you are brave enough to do that! ;)

  5. Fun blog Trina! I'm excited to make some food we grew up eating at your house :) and some of your great ideas too! That octopus is a riot! I have eaten it and it's yummy...but looking at that thing is so creepy!

  6. Thank you Nic! I'm glad you got a kick out of the octopus haha, the process of making it is definitely frightening!

  7. US has some catching up on the rest of the world when it comes to enjoying unfamiliar animals, insects and animal parts. (including me) Seafood is something I love and will try anything. Octopus, squid, fresh anchovies, snails and frog legs are some that I've learned to love. I really believe it is the right cooking technique and favorite recipe that makes it right for you! Go out of your boundaries. You didn't like veggies when you were little but found the right way for you now!

  8. I couldn't agree more! All of those foods you mentioned I absolutely adore. My mom raised us on things others considered bizarre, like tripe or conch, and I never really thought it was weird until I'd have friends over and their eyes would bug out when they saw octopus in the refrigerator! Going out of your boundaries is key, how boring would life be if you weren't willing to try new things? New foods are fun!
